Wednesday, April 8, 2015

A very quick Grand Canyon edition...

Quick additions from Ray and Jan before we go on today's trip.
Pictures tell the story.
Here the film tells the story...

The Grand Canyon by Ray "Eric von Stroheim" Pearman

 This old shack blended in to the outcrop... you wouldn't want to be a sleep walker!
 Brave Ray, I would have needed a very good 'stabiliser' to shoot this pic.
 Many people, including kids intertwined themselves in the railing, others more stupid stepped over the rails and got 'a better photogragh'.
As they are of a sub-set, they all needed to read.

This is what the 'rubber necks' wanted to see and caused an half hours traffic jamb!

PS, Denise and I had the worst dinner of the trip at Williams, AZ,
Vegetarian Sheppards Pie.
Here is the recipe if your in a masochistic mood:

  1. lay boiled carrot pieces on a plate
  2. add boiled sweet corn corneal
  3. add boiled onion
  4. add to this stack a tateless 'veg' burger
  5. top this with nice mashed potatoes and cheese...
The for dessert... (which none of us had)...

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